Student Services
At Alexander Academy, we work individually with students throughout their high school years in preparation for their post-secondary studies.
Our department helps students identify their best-fit university based on their academic profile, personal interests, and goals. Our counseling office has expertise in university admissions in many parts of the world, including the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia.

We provide extensive information, guidance, and support starting in Grade 9 and continuing to graduation. As a department, we work closely with each student to help them refine their university search and determine what path each student needs to take to gain acceptance to the university of their choice.
This journey begins in Grades 9 with guidance embedded in the curriculum. By the time the student reaches Grades 10-12 counselling expands to include course selection advice based on the goals that students have set for themselves. Our counselling office and leadership team meets with each student to determine a detailed plan.
Admission & Interview
Preliminary Course Plan
Transfer Credits
Estimated Time to Graduate
Academic Counselling
Build Individual Learning Plan
Build Leadership and Extra-Curricular Profile
Begin Studies
BC Dogwood Diploma
University Preparation & Application
University Fairs & Visits
Application Assistance