The Alexander Academy campus will be closed to all students and staff between Friday, January 17th to Monday, January 20th due to the vacant building located next to the campus (500 Dunsmuir Street) getting demolished. For the safety of all students and staff, the Alexander Academy campus will not re-open until the morning of Tuesday, January 21st.

Academic Programs & Courses

BC Graduation Program

BC Graduation Program

BC Certificate of Graduation

University Transfer Program

University Transfer Program

University Transfer Courses

English Language Development

English Language Development

English Skills for International Students

Summer School

Summer School

Domestic and International Students

Academic Courses

Some examples of the courses offered this semester


Social Studies

In Social Studies 8/9 we focus on the development of investigative and communicative skills. Each unit centres around a historical thinking skill rather than a body of content. This demonstrates the universal applicableness of Social Studies skills.


Human Geography 12

In Human Geography we examine the many relationships human-beings have with communities, cultures, economies, and environmental interaction.

Human Geography blends research and data processing with hands-on-learning, and utilizes the many tools geographers use to expand their understanding.


Law Studies 12

Students in Law Studies examine not only the body of laws all Canadians are bound by, but also discuss and debate the philosophical concepts that underly our legal traditions.

Morality, justice, right and wrong – all topics that provide fantastic fuel for deep conversations and reflection.


Pre-Calculus 11

Pre-Calculus 11 is designed to provide students with the mathematical understanding and critical thinking skill identified for entry to university level mathematics, science, engineering, or other mathematically intensive fields of study.

Students are expected to have a solid foundation of Mathematics, think critically and work hard to successfully complete this course.


Physics 11

This course is an introductory physics course that fo cuses on principles and theories, which encourages investigation of physical relationships, and illustrates the relationship between theory and application.

The application of physics to everyday situations will be emphasized throughout the course. It is intended that the skills and knowledge gained will provide a solid base for further study.

Students are expected to be inquirers, open-minded thinkers, and risk-takers. Their learning attitude and commitment define their levels of achievement.


Chemistry 11

This course provides students an opportunity to demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the role of Chemistry in society. Students will be encouraged to develop the skills and methods employed by scientists.

They are expected to be inquirers, think reflectively, learn attentively, and work carefully to succeed this course. However, students will also be surprised and excited by their findings in Chemical science in this course.


English 10

In English 10, students can expect to learn all manner of skills and to cover a wide variety of literary and not quite so literary topics. Here in British Colombia English 10 is split into two modules and here at our school we have chosen Composition and Literature Studies.

The two courses put emphasis on creativity, writing, presenting, and being able to support a position. What sets this course apart from other English 10 classes you might find is the number of choices you have when it comes to completing assignment.

Outside of our purely written activities most projects and group work assignments you will see will give you a number of options for completion. Whether they be making a play, performing a rap, or create Adobe flash movie, it's all up to you. Due date depending of course...

To do well in English 10 students must be willing to take steps to meaningfully improve upon the things they are good at and those they struggle with.


ELL Foundations

ELL Foundations is a course to designed to help students work on their reading & writing, listening & speaking, communication, and technological skills. This course will cover a wide variety of topics from 'how to get organized' to 'making a multi-media presentation about something you like.'

To do well in ELL Foundations you have to be willing to authentically engage, to challenge yourself, and to be willing to make (and learn from) your mistakes. One of the unique features of this course is the incorporation of the Microsoft Office Suite into most of the students' activities whether they be PowerPoints, Video Editing, Newspaper making or sound editing.



Entrepreneurship is a unique class because of how much input the students have over the direction it takes. The basic topics we will be covering are identifying the characteristics of an entrepreneur, the product development cycle, ethics and good business practices, pitching, marketing and how to manage your finances.

The rest is up to the students; whether that be which fieldtrips we go on; what product they want to create; what people, groups, or charities they want to partner with; etc. In Entrepreneurship you have to be willing to take chances, make mistakes, and to look at the world from an additive perspective.

A perspective where, 'what could I add or change to make things better' is only the beginning.